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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Where Spiritual Jewish Girls Go Wild

(Hat Tip: Israelity)

Who ever said that one could not be religious and have a good time?

(Ynet News) "Dance as if no one is looking at you," reads a sign posted at the entrance of a hall where religious women meet to dance.

Once a month, dance-loving religious women from across the country meet at the Ramat Beit Shemesh Cultural Center for a treat of groove provided by the courtesy of DJ Lea Sardes.

Disco, hip hop, salsa, samba, and belly dancing are on the menu. [...]

Nurit, a regular dancer at the center spoke of her experience: "After evenings like this I feel that I am making dance steps on the street. My husband says that it fills me with enough energy for a whole week."

According to Ynet, these women seem to get a kick out of clubbin' for hours on end. They hold these dance fests once a month at the Ramat Beit Shemesh Cultural Center with Lea Sardes hosting as DJ.

I wouldn't be surprised if they hold more of these events in the future, although these dance parties may help explain this phenomena.

Unrelated Note: Dancing Rabbi's? Now that's a first!

I wish I was there. :-(

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