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Monday, January 22, 2007

Could Two Israeli's Save Coral From Extinction?

Their research looks very promising, although they are keeping the method under wraps until they can secure a patent for this technology.

(Israel 21st Century) In a secret location not far from the city of Haifa, Almalam and his partner Alon Efergan, a former engineer, are working around the clock raising coral for their new company - Advanced Coral Propagating Technology (ACP Tech).

The coral they produce - about 8,000 pieces of 6 cm. coral a year - is living proof that coral can be cultivated in captivity and in a closed system. It is the first large-scale operation of its kind in the world where coral are reared with no connection to nutrients in the sea.

Almalam, who is an attorney is already receiving orders "out the wazoo" as we say in the states. Hopefully their techniques (and business) can curb the poaching of coral in the oceans, as that seems to be a common habit of divers nowadays.

Update (1/26): Republished on Israpundit.

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