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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Israeli Company Helps Out Floridians With Hurricanes

A company called Klil Industries has been helping out "the sun shine state," with a product that may help Floridians secure their homes in times of stormy weather.

(Globes Online) Klil Industries (TASE: KLIL) will be the first Israeli company to sell anti-hurricane paneling to states in the US. The company recently clinched its first sale worth an estimated NIS 2-3 million to the State of Florida, and it claims that the product, which was developed specially for the US market, could have potential sales of $5 million a year. Klil now plans to test its product in Florida's neighboring states, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Tennessee, which are also affected by hurricanes.

Florida in the states is known for three things: NASA, hurricanes and beautiful beaches. Although the first and the last two are what make Florida attractive, the hurricanes can be rather unfriendly (as my relatives can testify to).

Hopefully this upcoming season we will see less hurricanes, but if we are unfortunate enough to face a few storms, I may have to forward some of these panels to my cousins down south.

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