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Monday, January 29, 2007

Israel Popular At The United Nations?

It's not every day an Israeli ambassador is greeted with applause at the United Nations. But today was not an ordinary day for Israel, as the UN takes the time out to reflect upon the horrible tragedy over half a century ago that caused over 12 million lives to be lost, half of them Jewish.

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Hundreds of Holocaust survivors and their families gathered at the world body for its second annual day commemorating victims of the Shoah.

"I vow that as long as there is an Israel – and I vow that forever there will be an Israel - you are not alone," [Israeli Ambassador Dan] Gillerman told survivors, his voice rising. "You are safe. And today, here in this hall and around the world, the whole of the civilized world is vowing this vow together with you."

"As long as there is a United Nations, Israel is not alone," responded the U.N.'s undersecretary-general for communications and public information, Shashi Tharoor, who presided over Monday's event.

On a lighter note, if one is actually able to view the UN forum (which is usually half empty, regardless of the speaker) was filled to the brim! Not only were there diplomats, but there apparently was a musical by a local yeshiva choir as well!

This is a healthy sign for Israel, that despite the arguing that surrounds the tiny Jewish state, there are many who do not want to see a repeat of the Holocaust.

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