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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Israeli Movie Flick Dominates Venezuela?

It looks like the Israeli's have done it again! First they conquered Iran (at least the people's hearts) and now they are doing it again in Venezuela!

(Ynet News) The critically acclaimed Israeli film 'Walk on Water', the story of an Israeli Mossad agent has taken Caracas movie theaters by storm.

The movie's success was reported several days ago by popular Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional, which ran a banner headline in the culture section of the paper.

Sources at the Israeli embassy in Caracas noted that dozens of the city's residents told them they had seen the movie and that they had
enjoyed it immensely.

It seems in our day in age, media influences the world a lot more than cold, hard, facts. Hopefully more of these films can be made that can highlight the kosher side of Israel, something you don't always see on TV (especially in the US and Europe).

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