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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Egypt, Jordan Upset Over Kosher Trade?

It looks like some of Israel's neighbors are not too happy about finding out how much money is exchanged between them and their Hebrew "friends."

(Jerusalem Post) Israel's increasing trade within the Middle East has aroused a wave of criticism in Egypt and Jordan, where opposition groups have protested the expanding economic cooperation.

Figures published recently by the Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute indicate a 19 percent increase in Israeli industrial exports to Arab countries between January and September 2006, compared with the same period in 2005.

According to the institute's figures, Israeli industrial exports to Egypt have grown by 36% and exports to Jordan have increased by 12.5% this year.

Opponents in Jordan suspect that the figures are much higher than this, and are shouting out the usual outrage. It seems however that both governments (Egypt and Jordan) are attempting to normalize the trade with Israel and are trying to justify it to their respective populations.

Note: Why don't they just state that their is a demand for Israeli goods instead of insisting on conspiracy theories?

Update: Corrected image location.

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