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Monday, October 29, 2007

Turning Garbage Dumps Into Israeli Theme Parks?

(Hat Tip:, Image Credit: Rina Castelnuovo via New York Times)

The Israeli government seems intent upon turning the garbage dump of Hiriya (which is located outside of Tel Aviv) into a future theme park for kids.

While recycling a land fill is a great way to teach the next generation about taking care of the planet, what makes the story interesting is the fact that they are naming it after Ariel Sharon.

(New York Times) But on Oct. 28, in the hazy light of afternoon, Israel's president, prime minister, senior politicians, mayors and business leaders plan to gather on this flat-topped brown mound, known as Hiriya, on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, just by Ben-Gurion International Airport, and name it the Ariel Sharon Park. [...]

The Hiriya dump, closed nine years ago, will serve as the centerpiece for what is to become a vast 2,000-acre urban wilderness. The monumental dirt mountain, which sits at the intersection of some of Israel's busiest highways, will be transformed into a beauty spot designed by a German landscape architect, Prof. Peter Latz.

Before he was elected Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon fought around that area during the Israel Independence War. The land always had a special meaning to him, and later on in life he fought against having the area developed by the real estate industry.

Later on it was transformed into a dump, which was an eyesore for the city. Now that the city is recycling this landfill, designers hope to turn this dump into a worldwide attraction, with the intent upon educating kids about taking care of the future.

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