(Image Credit: Israel 21st Century) Probably one of the most feared diseases on our planet, HIV is a virus that has very few rivals in todays modern world.
In order to combat this ever adapting Borg like virus, researchers from the IBM Haifa Research Lab in Israel were asked to help Europe perfect EuResist, in an attempt at finding new ways to help doctors fight this disease.
(Israel 21st Century) With EuResist, this interaction is done through the web, where physicians can input a patient's information and status and then get a summary of what is known about this specific virus stage along with a prediction of what treatment has a good chance of helping the patient.
For example, a doctor in Bolivia - who may not have expertise in AIDS treatment or access to recent research - can use the knowledge accumulated in the EuResist system to treat patients. "This access to shared knowledge greatly increases our chances of fighting AIDS and can provide a vital contribution to world healthcare," continues Zazzi.
HRB's contributions to the project from Israel are two fold. The Healthcare and Life Science group has implemented a standardized biomedical information technology that processes and correlates clinical and genomic data from various data sources. And The lab's Machine Learning group has developed a sophisticated model and training engine that helps predicts drug resistance.
Hopefully this community effort will help humanity develop a cure for this horrible disease, as well as aid doctors in third world nations unfamiliar with treating it. By helping medical professionals "put their heads together," Israel is giving those afflicted with this disease a fighting chance at a brighter future.
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