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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Clean Up The World Day, Israel

Yesterday was Clean Up the World day, and in the holy land Israel fulfilled its part by organizing the youth (and others) to help keep the beautiful beaches trash free.

(Israel Ministry of the Environment) Thousands of schoolchildren from schools in such coastal cities as Herzliya, Haifa, Netanya and Ashdod, as well as members of youth groups and soldiers, will come together to clean up undeclared beaches in their cities (beaches which are open to the public but do not have lifeguard facilities). Cleanups will take place throughout the day and will be accompanied by information activities on the subject of coastal cleanliness and preservation.

Since children will (for better or worse) inherit the planet from their parents, getting them involved is a great way to teach them about taking care of the environment.

Note: I am unsure how many other countries participated in this event, although as far as I can tell only Australia and America were involved in this.

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