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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Israeli Sticker To Determine Food's Freshness?

(Hat Tip: Israel National News, Image Credit: FreshPoint)

Ever notice that after paying for your goods in the grocery store you come across an item whose expiration date expired yesterday? Unfortunately for you the time stamp was faded, making it harder to tell which products were fresh, and which ones "almost fresh."

Those days may soon be numbered as a new color coded sticker may make it easier to tell you not only how fresh a food (or item) is, but whether or not its being stored in its "favorite climate."

(Globes Online) Israeli start-up Freshpoint Quality Assurance Ltd. has patented a sticker for food products that changes color when the sell-by date is reached or in response to a change in the optimal storage temperature. The company's Time Temperature Indicators enable consumers to monitor food products and decide whether they are fit for consumption.

The company manufactures its stickers in collaboration with a leading international chemicals company under the brand name "OnVu". The sticker's ink changes color over time and in response to temperature.

The sticker seems to have already hit European and American markets, as well as those in the far east. If word about this catches on in the US, it may not be too surprising to see Freshpoint and Onvu's sticker on everything from crackers to grapes to blood red meat.

It would not only help eliminate "bad food" from grocery store aisles, but inform people that leaving orange juice out on the counter not a bright idea after all.

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