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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Future: Israeli Doctors Could "Personalize" MS Treatments

It looks as if new findings by Israeli doctors may enable them to "personalize" treatments to patients suffering from multiple sclerosis.

(Israel National News) Prof. Doron Lancet of Weizmann's Department of Molecular Genetics says, "We analyzed the DNA sequences in 27 candidate genes from each patient participating in the trial, and we identified two genes with a high potential for determining the response to Copaxone. In the future, it may be possible to use this method to scan the genome of MS sufferers, to predict the response levels in advance, and to optimize the dosage and treatment protocol to suit each patient personally."

This is great news for patients, who previously had to undergo "trial and error" in order for doctors to determine the correct level of dosage. Hopefully this will help medical researchers prescribed the correct amount of medicine for their patients, in order to aid in our search for a cure against this horrible disease.

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