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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Since When Did The French Support IDF Captives?

In a surprising move for a nation known for its sharp tongue against Israel, it looks as if the nation of France has inaugurated a site dedicated to the missing IDF soldiers--an event that has touched the lives of the families seeking the return of their loved ones.

(Ynet News) "In our previous meeting with Paris' mayor, we asked to display photos of our sons near city hall. The mayor was very attentive and promised to do something, and today he delivered," Noam Shalit said. "The photos have not been displayed near city hall, but they are located in a park where thousands of people and families visit every weekend."

"This is a significant gesture for us and it should not be taken for granted," Shalit added. "Gilad is indeed a French national, but Eldad and Udi are not, and what was done today touched us greatly."

This monument will hopefully enlighten French citizens on the situation regarding the missing solders, as well as help build sympathy for their whereabouts in the middle east.

Note: To my knowledge, France has close relations with many Arabian nations, and this move may be a sign that France is interested in helping Israel recover its missing soldiers.

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