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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Israeli Cinnamon: The New Anti-Virus

(Image: Michael Ovadia mulling on his Cinnamon stick. Credit: Israel 21st Century)

A prominent scientist has discovered an ancient yet hidden secret to fighting common viruses in people as well as animals.

(Israel 21st Century) "There is a passage that explains how the High Priests - the Kohens - would prepare a holy oil used on their bodies before they made a ritual animal sacrifice," recalls Ovadia. "I had a hunch that this oil, which was prepared with cinnamon and other spices, played a role in preventing the spread of infectious agents to people."

Taking his hunch to the laboratory bench, Ovadia's initial experiments proved to be true - his savory cinnamon extract was able to quickly and effectively immunize chicken embryos from the Newcastle disease virus - one which costs the poultry industry in the US millions of dollars a year.

Further studies on Avian Flu H9, Sendai virus, the HIV virus, and Herpes Simplex 1 also achieved positive results. Not only was the extract able to neutralize the viruses, it also showed for selected viruses that it has the potential to immunize against them as well.

Before one rushes to the nearest Star Bucks or Wal Mart for "something sweet," they should be warned that this type of cinnamon is very different from the one users will find in their stores and coffee shops.

Michael Ovadia is using a special type of cinnamon that must be "purified" as large doses can prove to be fairly toxic (despite the fact that one can eat this in its natural state).

Either way, this is good news for patients suffering from incurable diseases (such as HIV) and hopefully his research will lead towards a cure of some of these deadly plights.

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