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Thursday, July 26, 2007

How Do You Say Aliyah In French?

(Image Credit: Eli Elgarat of Ynet News)

It looks as if 600 Jews from France will be departing their mother country in order to begin a new life as an Israeli in the holy land.

(Ynet News) Around 600 new immigrants from France are expected to land in Israel on Wednesday as the result of a joint effort of AMI (Aliyah et Meilleure Integration) and the Jewish Agency for Israel.

This year has seen a 10 percent rise in the number of new immigrants from France compared to the previous year, making 2007 a record year for French aliyah: More than 3,000 olim are expected to come to Israel, as opposed to 2,900 in 2006. This is a 35-year record.

What makes this news really exciting is the fact that many of these individuals are composed of families, with the bulk deciding to migrate towards Ashdod, Jerusalem and Netanya (a city I have yet to visit).

President Peres will officially welcome them to their new homeland, and hopefully they will be able to trade in their french croissants for an Israeli falafel.

Update: You can find more images of Aliyah over here (thanks Jacob!).

Also Israel National News has snippet regarding a couple who survived the Holocaust deciding to move to Israel.

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  1. Congratulations to the new olim.

    I posted additional pictures and articles at:

    May the aliyah from France (and the rest of the world) grow and
    bring more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.

    Shabbat Shalom,

  2. Hey Jacob,

    Thanks for the link!

    Truthfully, I am glad that these Jews are considering making Aliyah from France, as from what I've heard it is quickly becoming unsafe for Jewish residents.


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