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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Eco Friendly Houses Anyone?

(Image Credit: Israel 21st Century)

An Israeli architect is quickly gaining fame for building homes that not only save owners money on the energy bill, but are environmentally friendly as well.

(Israel 21st Century) When Isaac Meir plans a house, he takes seemingly unconventional factors into consideration: wind direction, aridity, mean temperatures, sun exposure, angles and times of day sun might hit a certain part of the structure or what building materials might enhance cooling in summer and heat capture in winter. [...]

Meir's specialty, passive low-energy architecture (PLEA), is an internationally recognized form of development, documentation and diffusion of principles of bio-climactic design including application of natural and innovated techniques for heating, cooling and lighting.

What makes Meir's technique even more attractive is the fact that home owners do not need vast sums of money to purchase "hard technology" in order to upgrade (or construct) their homes.

Meir was even able to publish a book entitled Climate Responsive Architecture - A Design Handbook for Energy Efficient Building which seems to have been adopted as apart of one Universities curriculum in India.

Note: I wonder whether or not Meir could incorporate solar balloons with these eco-houses?

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