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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Poll: Most Israeli Arabs Support Jewish State

(Hat Tip: Stand for Israel)

It seems that according to the Haaretz, most Israeli Arabs support having Israel refer to itself as a Jewish state--so long as there are protections for minorities (which is a given in Israel).

(Haaretz) A vast majority of Israeli Arabs would support a constitution that maintained Israel's status as a Jewish and democratic state while guaranteeing equal rights for minorities, according to a poll whose results were published on Sunday.

Among the 507 people who participated in the poll, some 75 percent said they would agree with such a definition while 23 percent said they would oppose it.

The Israel Democracy Institute (IDI), a non-partisan research institute who commissioned the poll, said the results were proof that a constitution that maintained Israel's status as a Jewish and democratic state could win the support of the Israeli Arab public.

I am not too surprised by this poll, as any minority group living in a foreign nation would not mind a constitution reflecting the culture of the majority so long as they are guaranteed protection.

In Israel, non-Jews can vote, buy and sell property and even hold office (which to my knowledge can not be said of her neighbors). It should come to no surprise to find Arabs enjoying their status in Israel. Now if only we can convince their neighbors of the same thing...

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