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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Israel Spending Over A Billion Dollars To Woo Jews To Jerusalem

(Image Credit: RomKri of Jerusalem Shots)

Despite the fact that many Jews are proud that Jerusalem is once again in Jewish hands (as the capital of their nation), many Israeli citizens for some strange reason are reluctant to relocate within the capital.

The government, unsatisfied with the current status of "Jerusalem immigration" has decided to spend approximately $1.45 billion in order to see more Jews live within what many regard as the holiest spot on earth.

(Israel National News) Jewish areas of Jerusalem are expected to receive extra attention with the allocation of some $1.45 billion toward development aimed at improving the capital’s Jewish demographics.

Media reports quoted Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as saying the government would approve NIS 5.75 billion to upgrade the city's infrastructure while strengthening its Jewish majority.

Although I have heard of many Jews desiring to keep Jerusalem 100 percent in Jewish hands, I have seen various conversations online where a few of them would decline actually living in the Holy City.

If anybody who is Israeli is reading this, I would be curious as to why so many Jews are avoiding living in their capital city, and whether or not the incentives would attract them towards reconsidering?

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