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Friday, February 02, 2007

Pope Knights A Jewish Man?

And it seems that this Jewish man was knighted for his ability to help bridge the cultural gaps between Catholics and Jews (not an easy thing as I recall the tension between the two when I was in the holy land).

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) The head of Pave the Way, a non-sectarian group in New York, became the first Jewish man to be knighted by two popes.

Gary Krupp was promoted to the highest Pontifical Order of St. Gregory the Great, receiving the Silver Star in a Jan. 15 ceremony in Rome, after Pave the Way presented important Christian documents to the Vatican Library. Krupp "has encouraged, promoted and achieved high levels of cultural cooperation between Catholic and Jewish institutions," said Father David Jaeger, the Vatican's representative to Israel.

Krupp sees religion as a tool to help unite people, instead of dividing them with violence (a common problem in today's world). The Vatican has been aggressively courting Israel over the past few years, and hopefully we will see more of this not only in Rome, but throughout Europe as well.

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