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Monday, February 12, 2007

Better, Faster Airport Check Points

If anyone has ever flown anywhere, whether over seas or across your country, one which often slows boarding is the airport checkpoint. Usually it takes five minuets per person (if not longer) to search their belongings, and with a hundred plus people boarding a plane, the lines can seem like forever.

However this may all change thanks to some Jewish innovation.

(Globes Online) Security technology company TraceGuard Technologies Inc. (Bulletin Board:TCGD.OB) has successfully completed trials of its automated explosives detection system. The company’s product, "CompactSafe" inspects complex items at passenger and baggage screening checkpoints, and works in conjunction with security equipment currently in use to improve accuracy and efficiency in detecting explosives.

TraceGuard chairman and CEO Dr. Ehud Ganani said that the trials showed that the system was 10 times more efficient than manual baggage inspection, and that it took 30 seconds only to scan baggage compared with the four to five minutes needed to carry out a manual inspection. CompactSafe is due to begin trials for licensing by the US Transport Security Administration (TSA) within the next few months.

Despite the fact I would enjoy this being implemented tomorrow, it is good to see that those long checkpoint lines may be a thing of the past for carry-on luggage.

If this becomes popular throughout the states, Israel will have 300 million grateful Americans (not to mention 33 million Canadians) thanking them for making our stressed out lives a little easier.

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