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Friday, July 21, 2006

More Jews Returning To Israel

More than 240 Jews have returned to Israel (despite the fighting) and some are even moving up north towards Haifa where Hezbollah has been bombing the city in attempts to weaken its resolve.

(Arutz A record-setting year of North American Aliyah continued Thursday, with a plane full of immigrants touching down at Ben Gurion Airport. They were not deterred by the war and some are going up north. [...]

Knesset opposition leader MK Netanyahu pointed to the crowd, saying, "You are the best answer to Hizbullah!" He added that Aliyah is the very essence and lifeline of Zionism, "which never envisioned a world where people would stop attacking us, but a world where we would defend cities and create industry."

Israel right now is facing the fight of her life, and it is good to see that many of her people are returning home in order to support the mother land. Long live Israel and blessings upon her new citizens!

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