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Friday, July 21, 2006

Helping Out English Speaking IDF Soldiers

It looks like Jamal has posted a great idea over at the JBlogosphere site:

Got a request through a blog friend to help keep English-speaking IDF soldiers in good cheer -- for those presently serving, and for those who just got called up with emergency call-up orders.

Whether you can get some kids in a school to write emails with warm wishes and encouragement, or if you want to write your own funny stories, jokes, or send pictures -- now is your chance to use your creativity to bring a smile to English speaking IDF soldiers.

While the original request is for one specific soldier from his wife -- if the quality is good enough, I could probably have it all printed into a booklet for a bunch of soldiers. Now's your chance - don't just use your creativity for blogging something entertaining -- go ahead and cheer up an IDF soldier!

I think this is something that I might participate in! For all those interested, please email Jamal at: with the subject line "For IDF Soldiers."

Note: If you are sending off letters to IDF soldiers, comment here to let me know (with a website if you have one) and I'll get an unofficial list going on over here.

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