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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Christian Groups Helping Out Northern Israelis

This is a good thing to see. Hopefully more Christians will reach out towards their Jewish brethren.

( A U.S. group supported by evangelical Christians recently pledged $9 million to help residents of northern Israel.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews will provide assistance to 1,500 families whose houses have been damaged during IsraelĂ‚’s war with Hezbollah.

Despite being seen as the "cause of all sorrow," worldwide, Israel has very strong support within the US, with a majority of it coming from evangelical Christians (as well as those who do not enjoy terror).

Pastor Hagee has started an organization called Christians United for Israel which (to the disappointment of those opposing Israel) is probably the largest political action group in America.

I wouldn't be surprised to see more Christians not only donating towards Israel, but visiting the homeland as well.

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