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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Israeli Government Encrouaging "Green" Cars?

While other governments around the world talk about becoming more energy independent, Israel is actually taking steps toward making this a reality.

In an effort to help their citizens avoid the increasing cost of driving on roads, the Israeli government is going to encourage companies to develop "greener," cleaner cars for its citizens.

(Globes Online) Prime Minster Ehud Olmert announced today that the government would encourage the development of electric vehicles. Olmert was speaking at the weekly cabinet meeting in which the ministers discussed "green" transportation moves which would conserve energy and help the environment. Olmert said that the government would consider granting experimental incentives to companies and factories that produced electric cars and would also consider deploying a national infrastructure that would enable electric cars to drive on Israel's roads.

If Israel is able to help its citizens become energy independent, then its economy would be able to avoid some of the middle eastern politics deployed by some nations in the region.

They could also help other nations (like America) by selling this technology, as very few politicians in the states seem to be providing similar incentives for US companies.

Update (11/16): It looks as if a French company is interested in developing electric cars in Israel. Heh!

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