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Friday, November 09, 2007

Can Anybody In Israel Stop Google?

Apparently not, as the internet Goliath continues to dominate Israeli space online, pulling even further ahead of its rival Walla!, as well as Ynet.

(Globes Online) Google Israel is widening its lead and consolidating its position as the most views website in Israel, according to the TIM/Teleseker Internet survey for October 2007. They survey ranks websites' weekly exposure rates. Google Israel had an exposure rate of 90.6%, up two percentage points from September. [...]

Walla's exposure rate fell to 72.5% in October from 73.6% in September, and Ynet's exposure rate fell to 57.9% from 61.5%.

While Google still retains its previous title as Israeli web king, other web companies (such as Kontera) seem to be challenging Google in the advertising arena, or at least appealing to the same group of publishers.

Hopefully Walla! (along with its semi-recent ad system) can make a comeback, as the last Google challenger is being bought out by AOL.

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