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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Japan To Israel: Lets Be Business Buddies

(Image: Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso with Prime Minister Olmert. Credit: AP via Ynet News)

It looks as if Israel's previous attempts at courting the land of the rising sun are beginning to pay off.

(Ynet News) In an attempt to encourage ecnomic cooperation between private companies, Matsuda said, "We have cancelled some of our visa restrictions on Israelis to Japan, in order to allow Israel businesspeople to come to Japan. Furthermore, we are attempting Israeli PR in Japan. Most Japanese know about the conflict between Israel and its neighbors, and few are aware that as a Jewish country there is a very high level of scientific and technological development here.

"We are trying to increase the extent of tourism between the two countries, and for that purpose we are trying to promote a route of direct flights between Japan and Israel, in contrast to the situation today.

Israel has been seeking to partner with Japan (business wise) and at least one Jewish company already has a strong market within the Asian empire.

Japan seems to be very interested in Israel's defense technology (among other things) but ironically it was Israel's attitude towards the West Bank that drew Japan's attention.

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