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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cell Therapy Helping Crippled PAD Patients Walk Again

It looks like a new cell treatment developed in Israel may help those suffering from peripheral arterial disease (or PAD) to be able to once again enjoy using limbs (such as legs) that were crippled by this disease.

(Israel 21st Century) The resulting cell-based therapy, MultiGene Angio (MGA), harnesses cells taken from the patient's body (sometimes a 10 cm. vein segment stripped from under the arm), activates them with the insertion of specific genes in a lab, and injects them back into the patient's artery.

These new empowered cells are designed to trigger angiogenesis, improving blood flow to the leg, arm, or heart - in the case of patients with blocked coronary arteries - by causing small blood arteries to expand and grow, bypassing the blocked arteries.

"Everyone develops some collateral arteries, even those with gangrene who will eventually have to undergo amputation," Flugelman tells ISRAEL21c. "We can enlarge these arteries and prevent the need for amputation."

There are currently no medical trials for this new approach (as according to the article they were still testing this on animals). Dr. Moshe Flugelman seems to be optimistic about this treatment, although it may be quite some time before his medical breakthrough hits the general market (due to various lab tests).

Note: More information can be found over at Multi Gene Vascular Systems.

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