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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Israeli Doctors Helping Iraqi Children

Iman with his mother, Image Credit: Ofer Amram, via Ynet News

Thanks to the Save a Child's Heart foundation, three Iraqi Kurds will be given the chance to live a normal life in a region that is known to be a "little adventurous."

(Ynet News) Ahmad, 13, Iman, 6, and one-year-old Lizan will be operated on by cardiologists in Israel as part of the humanitarian project 'Save a Child's Heart.' Since the association was founded 12 years ago, more than 1,600 children from 26 different countries, including the Palestinian Authority, have undergone surgery in Israel. [...]

"Tomorrow they will undergo echography testing, after which heart surgeon Dr. Leon Sasson will recommend the best line of treatment. The operations will be sometime in the next week-and-a-half," Gilad said.

According to Dr. Akiva Tamir, a children's cardiologist at Wolfson, two of the children suffer from a hole between two heart chambers, which will be mended by surgery. The smallest child, Lizan, has a very severe defect, which often leads to sudden infant death, Tamir said.

This isn't the first time that Israel has helped out Iraqi children, and it is doubtful if this will be the last. Israel has done a lot of charity work for nations around the world, caring for others who are unable to receive assistance from their own governments.

Regardless whether they are friend or foe, Israel has demonstrated a unique ability to turn the other cheek towards their enemies and help them out in time of need. If only the world could repay the favor.

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