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Friday, March 30, 2007

Choosing Life Over Terror

(Hat Tip: Jerusalem Newswire)

I probably do not need to go over the feelings many Palestinians have towards Israeli's, but it seems that some Israeli medics responded to an emergency in what some would consider to be enemy territory.

(Jerusalem Post) MDA medics risked their lives Friday and crossed Erez Crossing to the Palestinian side in order to stabilize and evacuate a Palestinian woman who had suffered a heart attack in Gaza.

IDF sources said the MDA medics took a "great risk" by crossing over to the Palestinian side of Erez.

The woman, 31, was evacuated to the crossing by Palestinian medics who had failed to resuscitate her following the heart attack.

There are reports from Jerusalem Newswire that the ambulance went into the city with a military escort, although I have not seen that confirmed by other sources.

Regardless on who accompanied them, this goes to show how much heart Israeli's have not only for their own, but for their perceived enemies as well.

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