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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Israeli Beaches: Keeping It Trash Free

(Image: Zikim Beach, Credit: Itzhak Kudovitsky)

One can not truly visit the holy land without experiencing the Mediterranean waters along the coast. Unfortunately where ever there are tourists, one can usually find liter (and trash) along the way.

Fortunately it seems that Israel's push to clean up the coastlines has paid off, with a majority of beaches being declared "clean" or "very clean."

(Israel Ministry of the Environment) The final Clean Coast Index for 2007 revealed clean or very clean coasts in more than 80% of Israel's undeclared beaches. Only 2% of the beaches scored dirty. [...]

The latest index showed that more than 50% of the country's beaches are very clean, 30% are clean and only 2% (beaches in the Palmachim National Park) are dirty. Mr. Ronen Alkalay, coordinator of the Clean Coast Project in the Ministry of Environmental Protection says:"The integration of coastal cleanups by local authorities, assisted by a northeasterly wind, which cleaned the coasts and resulted in a calm sea emitting very little waste, along with the small number of visitors to the beaches, combined to bring about this favorable result - a clean coast.

Hopefully the government can keep this up as the last thing anyone wants is to step on a half torn soda can with their bare foot. Keeping the beaches clean is not only important for business and pleasure, but also for the environment as well.

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