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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Jews And Arabs Make Flag Out Of Corkscrews

(Image: The flag of 64,000 corkscrews on Akko's City Hal, Credit: Vadim Daniel, via Ynet)

I have been meaning to post this story for a while, but here is some more great news of Israeli's and Arabs working together--an item you may not see on CNN.

(Ynet News) In honor of Independence Day, Akko's municipal youth council initiated a project which will bring the city's Arab and Jewish communities together. After long months of planning and preparation, a huge flag – made of 64,000 corks – now hangs on the walls of City Hall. [...]

"The best part was to see the cooperation between Jews Arabs, youths and elderly, secular and religious from all over the city. We had five-year old children and 90-year old adults tie the corks together," he said.

The corkscrews were originally blue, although the youth had to paint many of them white in order to create the Israeli flag. After creating the flag, they took out ten corkscrews in honor of the ten missing Israeli soldiers from the second Lebanon war.

As soon as the soldiers are found, the corkscrews will be added to the flag again.

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