Even though the higher number does not--or rather should not be an abosolute indicator on the average wealth of the general population, its good to see that some of the more affluent are taking up residency in Israel.
(Haaretz.com) The number of millionaires in Israel grew at twice the average world rate in 2007, according to the World Wealth Report by Merrill Lynch and Capgemini. Moreover, the analysts found more than a subtle taste for "green" developing, if not always for the loftiest of reasons.
The number of millionaires in Israel jumped 13.6% - by 1,000 persons - to a total of 8,200 by the end of last year. The number of multi-millionaires grew by 12%, to 97. The report defines a millionaire as an individual with liquid assets of at least $1 million, excluding primary residence and consumables. The definition of a multimillionaire is a person who has at least $30 million in the bank.
While this may spur a few conspiracy theories regarding Jews, its a healthy sign regarding not only Israel's present economy, but also its future (hint: they are there to stay in business to the dismay of their enemies).
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