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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Israeli Tech: Secure Thy Stuff, Via Eye Ball Motion?

Someone once said that "locks only keep the honest people out." While this may be true, it has not stopped companies from developing, new ways to protect information, valuables and buildings away from the hands of thieves and spies.

Despite the fact that most (if not all) security mechanisms have some flaw that allows an individual to break in without authorization, one Israeli company thinks they may have developed a "fool proof system."

(Israel 21st Century) Unlike passwords, fingerprints, voice ID, or scanning your retinal markings, ID-U [Biometrics] has found a novel way to create an identification platform based on the complex journey your eyes take when they watch a moving object. Using sophisticated algorithms, your web cam and a computer screen, ID-U has developed, in its words, a "fail-safe method" for identifying one person from the next.

The application is based on the fact that the eyes of each person exhibit their own characteristics when moving. Says Daphna Palti-Wasserman, an engineer, to ISRAEL21c: "The science in it is that the eye movement is a complex motion constructed from a number of parameters including anatomy, physiology, eye structure and chemistry."

According to IDU Biometrics, this system would be so secure that not even your twin brother/sister would be able to pass themselves off as you.

The company is currently seeking investors, as well as a future client (according to Israel 21st Century they are trying to woo PayPal and Ebay).

Note: With millions of people purchasing web cams, why doesn't IDU Biometrics pursue a partnership with Microsoft/Apple in order to help provide greater security with PC/Macs?

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