It looks as if the United States is considering passing a bill that would enable Israeli citizens to travel to America without the need for a Visa (which, from what I'm told is a very annoying process to apply for).
(Ynet News) The US Congress is said to vote on new security legislation, which allows for countries that had 10% or less of their applications denied to be included on the list.
Should Congress approve this amendment Israel could easily qualify for the list, since only 3% of Israeli visa applications are denied each year.
Israel is expected to easily meet additional US demands, such as divulging passenger lists, using biometric passports – which include fingerprints – and meeting strict security protocols.
A bill like this should easily pass through congress, and President Bush will no doubt sign this bill into becoming the law of the land.
Israelis have a lot to offer the US in regards to technology, and visitations from the holy land would help give Americans a new perspective on what real Israeli life is in the middle east as opposed to what they see in the news.
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