(Image Credit: ImagePrintGolf.com)
Several congressional figures, as well as community leaders from New York are embarking on a journey towards the holy land in order to express their support for the Jewish state.
(Ynet News) The group includes Congressman Gary Ackerman and Congressman John Hall, as well as religious leaders and representatives of the African-American, Hispanic and Asian-American communities in New York. The mission is being accompanied by Michael Miller, JCRC executive vice president & CEO.
The JCRC sponsors missions that focus on showing solidarity with the people of Israel. "There is no substitute for meeting face-to-face with Israelis from all walks of society, in the halls of government and on the city streets. Our diverse and influential mission participants are bringing a message of fellowship and hope, and will take back home to New York real-life stories of Israeli courage and determination to build a brighter future," said Miller.
The group plans to tour Israel as well as visit several cities such as Safed and Sderot, which suffered attacks in the second Lebanon war and current rocket attacks, respectively. They will also meet with various heads of state, including the Prime Minister.
Hopefully this group will also get to tour Israel's innovative side, especially when dealing with technology and health as the holy land has a lot to offer towards New York, as well as the US in general.
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