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Monday, October 06, 2008

Will Israel's MCS Replace Anticoagulants? (Med Tech)

Anyone who has ever suffered a severe stroke (or have friends or family who have or may have in the future) may have heard of a type of substance called anticoagulants which basically prevents the blood from clotting within blood vessels (a very bad thing if one is not cut or bruised).

While anticoagulants can help prevent random clots from forming (especially during surgery), they also have the side effect of "keeping the blood flowing," which could increase the overall risk of bleeding complications.

In order to get around this problem, Medical Compression Systems (or MCS) from Or Akiva, Israel has developed a device called ActiveCare Synchronized Flow Technology that may help prevent random blood clots from forming (minus the potential side effects of "non-stop bleeding").

(Israel 21st Century) The device, called ActiveCare+SFT (Synchronized Flow Technology), combines a mobile unit with calf and foot compression sleeves that can be easily wrapped around the patient's leg or foot during and after surgery. [...]

The unit identifies a patient's venous blood flow pulses and synchronizes itself to these natural rhythms. It compresses the limb sleeves, automatically applying the correct pressure and inflation rate.

According to Dr. Jacob Barak, the company co-founder and chief scientist, this gentle pressure delivers an optimal hemodynamic profile tailored to the patient's specific physiology. "Its higher blood flow speed, compact size, and the fact that it can be worn 24/7 give it a definite advantage over comparable products," he tells ISRAEL21c. [...]

Barak says the device's unprecedented mobility has resulted in a dramatic 50 percent increase in patient compliance compared to standard IPC (intermittent pneumatic compression) systems, which have poor compliance rates among patients, particularly those who start to walk, but are not yet fully mobile. Using MCS's device, patient compliance is actually monitored on the LCD screen, providing feedback for caregivers, physicians and patients themselves.

MCS's ActiveCare device is already attracting the attention of some medical clinics in the US, with a few according to Israel 21st Century deciding to replace anticoagulants with ActiveCare+SFT entirely!

MCS's device has already received FDA approval which means that American doctors can contact the company directly for immediate use of ActiveCare+SFT (instead of having to wait many moons or ask their European friends for information regarding this medical device).

(Image Credit: Medical Compression Systems)

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