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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Google: Translate From English To Hebrew (And Back Again)

It looks as if the search engine giant has struck again! After previously releasing Hebrew versions for both Blogger and Gmail, it looks like the Google is now attempting to conquer the untamed realm of English-to-Hebrew translation services.
(Globes Online) Google Inc. [...] has the followed the recent launch of the Hebrew version of its Gmail service with the launch of its new translation service Google Translate, which supports translations of texts to and from 30 languages including Hebrew. The program also aligns paragraphs to the left or right margins of the page depending on the direction of the language.
This should definitely help me out with my Hebrew lessons, as I have previously been using Milon (another excellent translation service), a site that helps me understand words (but unfortunately not whole sentences).

Google Translate even allows you to translate whole sites (as one can see from this link of IsraGood in Hebrew, although I am not exactly sure if all of the words are in the correct order).

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