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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Belated: Israeli's Heart Africa (Again)

(Hat Tip: IsRealli)

Whether its turning Nigerian deserts into gardens, shipping medical supplies to Kenya or simply building schools in Ethiopia, Israel continues to display an active role in African continent.

Now, it looks as if an organization called Jewish Heart for Africa seeks to improve life conditions for the continent by providing electricity to rural villages via solar power.

(Jerusalem Post) Borowich, 30, founded Jewish Heart for Africa about 10 months ago and today she has projects running in Uganda, Ethiopia and Tanzania. [...]

"Four months ago, we installed solar panels in a village in Tanzania to provide electricity for the clinic. Seven thousand people rely on that clinic. We installed 14 lights, 10 inside and four outside. The panels also produce enough electricity to run a 66-liter refrigerator.

"We returned there two weeks ago and the doctor showed us how many kids have now been vaccinated [vaccines have to be kept chilled]. The villagers can find the clinic in the middle of the night because it is lit and the doctor no longer has to work at night by candlelight.

While one of the purposes of Jewish Heart for Africa is to improve the lives of residents within Africa, their secondary goal is to also improve the Jewish states image in the world (especially in less than fortunate countries).

Note: The organization is currently seeking volunteers (not to mention donations), so if you have some spare time, skills or pocket change, feel free to contribute in anyway that you can.

Update: Satellite image of continent added.

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