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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Israel Gains An Apple Store (Plus Is An iPhone On The Way?)

(Hat Tip: Israelity, Image: iPod Touch from iDigital)

After gaining the right to distribute "all things Mac" inside of Israel, it looks as iDigital will have its own store to seel Apple products in the real world (instead of only being able to sell them online).

(Jerusalem Post) Israel is set to get its own Apple Store around the beginning of September, according to an Apple rep I spoke to this week. But like so many things here, the local version is just different enough from the "real thing" to be - well, different.

According to Michal, who represented iDigital (Apple's local licensee in Israel) in our conversation, the Apple Store Israel "will give customers the full Apple Store experience," although the store will not be operated by Apple, as Apple Stores elsewhere are. [...]

One thing they won't have at the new Apple Store Israel is an iPhone waiting line - because iPhones still won't be available. According to Michal, iDigital is doing everything in its power to persuade Apple to work out a deal with a local cellphone service provider. For various technical reasons, such an arrangement has not been made yet, but she's "hopeful." 

Even though the coveted 3G iPhone has not arrive in Israel (at least yet), its good to see that iDigital is pushing to have the device enter the country.

Israeli's can still do their part to help convince Steve Jobs that the iPhone is worth being blessed by kosher hands, although the best place to mention their desire may be at the upcoming Mac store (which should be opening at the Ramat Aviv Mall (English readers can click over here).

Note: Just for your info, IsraGood is iPhone friendly!

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  2. Lisa, please keep posts relevant. Spam is unkosher here. ;-)



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