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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Prime Minister Olmert Has A Blog?

In an age where everyone and their little sister is dying to have their thoughts expressed online, it looks as if the Prime Minister of Israel has decided to follow the trend and start a blog himself.

Unfortunately it seems as if he has delegated the task to other to write on it.

(Israel National News) The travel blog is being written by officials in the Prime Minister's office and not by himself. "The goal is to allow those surfing the website to learn directly about the course of the visit and to obtain regular updates about its developments," the current blog states. "This is another tool to increase the transparency of the Prime Minister's activities in general and to reveal some of his wide-ranging diplomatic work.... We would be pleased to receive comments about the blog and its contents."

Readers can visit the blog over at and can even subscribe to his RSS feed, although it looks as if the Prime Minister has not enabled comments on his weblog.

His latest entry details his recent trip towards Japan, which will hopefully help bring in some extra revenue towards the Jewish state.

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