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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Belated: Vietnam To (Finally) Build An Embassy In Israel

Despite the fact that Israel already has established economic ties with Vietnam, the Asian nation has been extremely cautious about establishing an embassy within the Jewish state--even after Israel built an embassy in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi.

Now, after decades of waiting, it looks as if Vietnam is going to return the favor.

(Ynet News) During his visit, Abramovich met with his Vietnamese counterpart, as well as the chairperson of the local parliament's foreign affairs committee and senior committee members.

Abramovich later visited Tokyo and Bangkok, where he attended a conference of Israeli ambassadors in eastern Asia and announced Vietnam's plan to open an embassy in Tel Aviv after being wooed by Israel for nearly a decade.

Even though it would be nice if they built the embassy in Jerusalem (as it is Israel's official capital), its good to see Vietnam finally reaching back to the Israeli state after so many years of "playing it safe."

Image Credit: Israel Diplomatic Network

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