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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Rediscover The Internet On Your Mobile Phone?

It looks like InfoGin, an Israeli company has developed software to allow mobile users to view the rest of the internet without crashing their phone (something I can sympathize with).

And it looks like a major internet/media company has decided to throw their weight behind InfoGin.

(Israel 21st Century) AOL uses InfoGin's Intelligent Mobile Platform to power the mobile AOL search services, including their new mobile browsing service. InfoGin's technology enables the optimal reformatting of Web content to any mobile device, without compromising the Web's richness or the device functionality. And according to Wyler, for the end user, that means an Internet session on your mobile device that most closely resembles sitting in front of your laptop or PC.

"We have made surfing the Internet on a mobile phone a reality and are developing partnerships with leading global mobile operators in order to share this success with consumers around the world," said Wyler.

I don't know about you, but this is something I could definitely use for my Verizon wireless phone (that is if they have it).

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