(Image Credit: Rachel of Israel 21st Century) Yad Vashem, a museum in charge of insuring that the world remembers the tragedy of the Holocaust (so that it is never repeated) has decided to use the internet to help enlighten the world about the horrors of the past.
(Israel 21st Century) Today, May 1, which is Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day in Israel, Yad Vashem will upload its 130,000-image photo archive to its website. The collection, the largest of its kind in the world, includes photographs taken in the ghettos, during the deportations, images that illustrate slave labor, the camps, liberation and more. [...]
"This will allow the public at large direct and simple access to the vast collection of resources collected by Yad Vashem over the past half century," says Avner Shalev, chairman of Yad Vashem. "We are hoping that it will increase public awareness of the archives' tremendous importance, and encourage people who have similar photographs and documents to confer them to Yad Vashem for safekeeping."
Users can search the photo archive by clicking over here in order to see the images for themselves.
Yad Vashem has also launched a YouTube channel in English as well as Arabic for the middle east.
Users interested in learning more about this Museum, and why they should visit (as everyone should at least once in their life) can visit here for more information.
Update (5/3): Google just highlighted Yad Vashem over on their corporate blog.
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