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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Israeli Doctors Assisting Chinese Residents

(Image: Dr. Alona Raucher-Sternfeld (a volunteer with SACH from Israel) helping out a Chinese baby. Credit: Jewish Exponent).

Israel's Save A Child's Heart (SACH), which has been very active in helping people from around the world has recently made another stop within the Asian giant to help out citizens in need of medical attention.

(Jewish Exponent) Where is Yang's heart?" Dr. Alona Raucher-Sternfeld cooed in Hebrew to 5-year-old Yang Bin as she prepared him for surgery aimed at repairing his tiny heart.

As she danced her fingers on his belly, the language barrier disappeared, and the boy's previously defiant exterior melted into giggles.

Yang Bin was one of about 80 children who traveled, some hundreds of miles, to see the visiting medical staff from Israel, all of whom are volunteers with Save a Child's Heart, a charity based at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon.

The team of 15 doctors, nurses and medical technicians set up shop at Hebei Children's Hospital in Shijiazhuang, some 170 miles southwest of Beijing, continuing a partnership that began 10 years ago.
This on-going partnership may be one of the reasons why the Chinese and Israeli's are close friends (instead of rivals--aka "frenemies"--like the US).

While Save A Child's Heart is probably one of the better known examples of Israel displaying hospitality outside of its borders, the Jewish state has been known to show charity towards many other nations--even ones that are hostile to its existence.

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